4 definitions by hehehehahahafunny
Funny monkey is a monkey that does something funny enough to make one smirk, laugh, and/or giggle. Funny monkies may include; throwing a banana, a chin bubble thing, or making weird noises, and the "orange eat me you" meme.
by hehehehahahafunny November 26, 2020
You took your time to write this so it might as well be worth your time here is a long word, often used when someone has typed so much that they deserve to be where they are currently located. There are many ways You took your time to write this so it might as well be worth your time here can be used, such in text, writing, and that is just about the most common forms You took your time to write this so it might as well be worth your time here is used.
Guy 1: This is a long sentence I am writing to you right now Guy 2, you might as well respect me.
Guy 2: You took your time to write this so it might as well be worth your time here
Guy 3: Nice.
Guy 2: You took your time to write this so it might as well be worth your time here
Guy 3: Nice.
by hehehehahahafunny November 26, 2020
Bo Burnham is superior
by hehehehahahafunny November 26, 2020
Sad can be defined many ways. It is the feeling of feeling not happy and/or depressed. Being sad is a very human thing to do and many people, while being sad, cry, which is the action of little salty droplets of water coming out of one's tear glands in the side of their eye. Sad is also the name of a comedic song by Bo Burnham, who used to be a comedic artist and wrote the song for his show called, "what.".
Guy 1: Hey bro I have been feeling sad today.
Guy 2: Its gonna be okay bro, how about you listen to this funny song called, "sad" by Bo Burnham, it is really funny!
Guy 1: Bro wtf how is that going to help?
Guy 2: Its gonna be okay bro, how about you listen to this funny song called, "sad" by Bo Burnham, it is really funny!
Guy 1: Bro wtf how is that going to help?
by hehehehahahafunny November 26, 2020