10 definitions by hannibal

Grabbing the nearest dick handy and pumping for all your worth.
I wasn't expecting it, but suddenly in the middle of class, he gave me a Lake Jackson Handshake
by hannibal March 30, 2003
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The most extreme variety of fucktard. There's always one nearby who won't shut up.
STFU you fucking jacktard before I donkey punch you.
by hannibal March 29, 2003
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A White Nationalist acronym meaning "Zionist Occupied Government".
by hannibal November 6, 2003
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Special sensors that allow the wordrigger monkeyword maximum ability to steer the entry of rigger's cocks into his manhole
Cats gots to have their whiskers. Rigger Monkeys gots to have their rigger monkey hemmorhoids.
by hannibal March 29, 2003
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I went to the store to buy milk, but some ring ring cleared out the place
by hannibal March 29, 2003
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when me and my homies take on the man from the underground and nobody needs to be up in our shiznit for it.

Primarily utilized when cappin fools with my gizzat.
What do you know about "black ops".
Those niggas is crazy. Dont fuck wit black ops fool, you be found in a bizzox.
by hannibal December 24, 2004
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