2 definitions by grammarpolice

The shorter name given to 'grammar anger'. A feeling of intense anger at the misuse of grammar.
Joe "I like steak to much!"
George "It's 'too' much.'"
Joe "Wow! Grammar police!"
George "Sorry man, I've really got the grangar tonight."
by grammarpolice February 7, 2012
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Variation of gosh. Euphemism for god.
Normally said in a over-enthusiastic or sarcastic tone. Or simply gosh as spoken by someone with a southern drawl.
"Oh mee gawsh! I'm like totally preggers!"

"What ever I feel like I wanna do! Gawsh!"

"Gee golly gawsh cletus, I haven't seen billy bobs all day"
by grammarpolice February 23, 2005
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