3 definitions by ghostdancer

That moron in your building who angrily bangs on the wall/ceiling all the time even though neither you nor anyone in your apartment is making any substantial noise. They’ll bang if you have the tv on at *any* volume, if your phone rings, or even if you sneeze or cough.

Normal people will only bang on the wall when there’s a legit disturbance. Borks just bang because of the power they feel it gives them.

Borks are typically friendless and very insecure people who feel that banging on someone else’s wall is the only way they can feel they have power over anything in their lame lives.

The word is a condensed form of “banging dork”
"Damn, that bork downstairs was banging on the ceiling yesterday when I just walked into the kitchen to get a Pepsi- at 3pm. WTF is wrong with them?"

"Really, by banging on the wall when there’s really no noise, *they* are really the ones disturbing *you*, but borks are way too ignorant to notice this."
by ghostdancer May 9, 2022
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The state of being both drunk and stoned on weed. The best drink for this is vodka. The best music for getting droned is Witch House.

PS- I know ppl already call this getting “crossed” but I feel this is a more accurate word.

Plus in British English to get “cross” is to get angry with someone, and in Archaic English to be “crossed” means to be cursed/hexed.

So “droned” has a much more positive vibe, just the thing needed for a term about weed.
"Huh? What'd you say? Sorry, I'm pretty droned right now"

“Man I am so glad they broke up with me. After it happened, I just felt this huge weight off my back and I just went home and got droned listening to Crystal Castles and White Ring.”

"Haha, this movie is so cool when you're droned"
by ghostdancer May 9, 2022
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The quality of something being both random and also somewhat amusing . A portmanteau of the words ¨random¨ and ¨funny.¨

Usually used to describe something one comes across in day to day life, or on the internet. But can be applied to anything in any place or situation that you personally find to be ranny.
¨I saw this car in the mall parking lot that had a giant design of a rubber duck airbrushed onto the hood. It was so ranny

¨There was some pretty ranny fashion in that magazine- people had hats shaped like lobsters and snails¨
by ghostdancer November 14, 2021
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