3 definitions by ghetto fabulous kid from sydney, mate

the main character in a series of books and movies who strongly needs to become deceased in the final book/movie after which draco malfoy will become king of the world.
harry potter: ahh dracco dont kill me! expelliarmus! im a 6th year and thats the only flippin spell i know!

draco *aka mcdreamy*: shut up you pansy! avada kedavra!

harry*screams like the fairy he is* im dead!
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one of the variety of bleach blonde, annorexic, abercrombie wearing, sluts that attends such schools: second baptist, memorial high school, or stratford
hey, that nicole sure is a ho, you can see her thong from third floor aqua!

yeah who is she sleeping with this week?
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man screw port-o-potties, there's a port-o-lavoratory just a block over!
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