4 definitions by fuko

A language used by kids for SMS messages which is totally incomprehensible.
ROFL I tp ts msg nucfrwims POS i14yo what ur asl
by fuko August 20, 2003
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The art of using a bunch of nonsensical ramblings to solve of explain a problem. Usually used by SCI-FI writers once they have written themself in a corner.
Scotty couldn't beam Kirk up until he reversed the polarity on the microconvertor to align it in phase with the heisenberg compensator.
by fuko August 20, 2003
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Yo dawg I robbed a 7-11 so I could get my bitch some jury.
by fuko August 20, 2003
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Ghetto word for sell them.
My brother gave me a pair of Oriole tickets, so I seldom to buy a candy bar.
by fuko August 20, 2003
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