3 definitions by friski varis

adj. - used to describe someone who is very sexually desirable, by analogy with deliciously desirable food - a combination of 'fuck' and 'succulent'
Golly! That girl is giving me a diamond-cutter! She looks absotively fucculent!
by friski varis September 28, 2016
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adj. - curvaceous and appealing, with an implied analogy with something delicious that one would want to eat - a portmanteau of 'voluptuous' and 'sumptuous'
"Dang! That woman is volumptuous! Oh, how I would love to lick every one of her delicious curves!"
by friski varis September 28, 2016
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Elision of “I am important,” - used to describe someone who implicitly or explicitly believes that he or she is important, and is likely to be thinking “I am important” at any given moment.
Observer #1 - “My goodness but Edwin is full of himself today!”

Observer #2 - “Indeed he is - he’s a very amportant person.”
by friski varis November 30, 2021
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