3 definitions by forgelanguage


What Zionists say when they aren't speaking in Hebrew. You'll find most twitter conversations or posts Zionists state follow this exact pattern.

1. Nothing can be done to stop us
2. Unless there's this thing
3. But even with that thing it doesn't change anything
4. A single word response like incorrect, wrong etc.
It's clear the statements January 2024 by Ben Gvir's and the follow up from his office a pure Zionish;

1. Shoot people who don't pose a threat
2. Shoot only armed people who pose a threat
3. (our) "position on targeted killings is known, and it is necessary"
4. My previous statements were misquoted
by forgelanguage April 1, 2024
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A person who is such a devotee of Elon Musk they've lost their own identity, deifying him and projecting his view of his achievements at every opportunity, like they were theirs.
He isn't a founder of Tesla, but you be youelon I guess.
by forgelanguage February 27, 2023
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An independently produced video documentary (treatise) often social or political in nature distributed via social media. Generally they seek to inform the viewer of an historical time or event as it relates to current affairs.

They can also be in the form of a video debunking that seeks to accurately expose a deliberate attempt to misinform people about an historical event or major historical time.
The political turmoil of the 2020's in the United States led a number right-wing political commentators to claim that Hitler was a Socialist Liberal. Prompting numerous vlod's that methodically debunk this claim, in particular the misattribution of a quote (starting 'We are Socialists...') by Nazi party member Gregor Strasser to Adolf Hitler. Strasser was murdered on Hitler’s orders during the Ernst Röhm purge of 1934.
by forgelanguage June 20, 2020
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