3 definitions by exexe

A saint. A perfect being. An adorable lil' shit that'll make you fall head over heels. He's funny, smart, talented, sexy, adorable, caring, sensitive person you'll know. You'll be lucky to meet a Roman. They're what everyone strives to be and who everyone wants. He's the type of person to make straight guys gay and lesbians straight. He's the type of person to make your life amazing. He's usually the reason you wake up each day once you know him. You'll never be able to fall out of love with him. He's an absolutely talented writer and guitarist. His backstory will entrance you. His brown eyes will make you stare without consent. Needless to say, he's perfect.
You know the Roman guy?
Yeah, he's a saint...
by exexe April 10, 2017
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An absolutely amazing person. He will blow you away when you meet him. He'll suck you in with his humour and keep you in with his amazing personality, adorable face, and caring selflessness. He's adorable, and amazing writer, the kindest person on planet Earth. He can write beautifully, and teach you a thing or two. He's lived a crazy amazing life. He gives the best hugs. You can't help nut fall for his entrancing brown eyes behind those glasses of his, and the way he makes you laugh. Needless to say, he's a fricking saint, and you're lucky just to know him.
You know that Roman dude?
Yeah, he's a saint.
by exexe April 10, 2017
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A beautiful and unique person (usually female). They are usually adorable and strange in the best of ways. Chandra will always brighten up your day and make you the happiest person ever. She will be the funniest and best person you will ever know.
Person 1: Wow, she's so adorable and funny! Who is she??
Person 2: Oh that's Chandra!!! No one is more perfect than her!!
by exexe May 29, 2018
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