4 definitions by etymologynerd

A term commonly used in college admissions slang to determine the Top 20 universities in America. This is usually based off the USNews rankings systems. Getting into a T20 is seen as very prestigious and often leads to successful careers.
"Can I get into a T20 with my 1590 SAT and cure for cancer?"
"Probably not, unless your dad makes a donation"
by etymologynerd June 3, 2019
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An initialism denoting the top seven universities in America.

Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, MIT, Columbia, Caltech
"I've always wanted to get into HYPSMCC"
"Oh, that's easy, just donate a library"
by etymologynerd May 3, 2019
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The study of the origin of words.

Not to be confused with "entomology", the study of bugs. "Entymology" is not a word, despite what the other definition says.
The etymologist pointed out that his profession could not be entomology because "entomology" comes from the Ancient Greek word "entomos", meaning "cut", whereas "etymology" came from the Ancient Greek word "etúmos", meaning "true"
by etymologynerd June 3, 2019
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A common nickname for Harvard University, alluding to its highly liberal environment
A: Where did that SJW go to college?
B: Where do you think? The Kremlin on the Charles, obviously.
by etymologynerd August 10, 2019
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