4 definitions by edwardsmilk


one of the best singers in the world. queen of iceland. arca's bestie. riddle master
x: the queen has died :(((
by edwardsmilk June 6, 2024
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Elenoire Ferruzzi

Elenoire Ferruzzi is an italian gay icon from Milan who is famous for her many plastic surgeries. She owns the Centro di Altissimo Livello (Center of Very High Level) and absolutely despises the brand Carpisa. Elenoire is iconic and accepts no judgement from flops.
x: amio i was having ape with the ame in duomo square yesterday and i saw elenoire ferruzzi!!!
y: amio i can't believe it!!! im so jealous
by edwardsmilk May 6, 2024
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genshin impact's best character. she solos everyone in the game and anyone who slanders her has horrible taste. people often say that shes a pick me girl just because she's very shy (ignoring the fact that she has social anxiety)
x: i hate sucrose!!! shes such a pick me ugghhhhh
me: idc i will pick her
by edwardsmilk November 1, 2022
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girl the boycott

phrase used by orbits to scold people who stream loona music or benefit from their ot12 and pre-debut content from official sources. said boycott started at the end of 2022 after the removal of chuu from the group, which was followed by a subsequent revelation of the unfair contract all twelve members were working under. a huge boycott was put into practice by orbits, and it was crucial for the remaining loona members to leave their abusive company and sign new contracts. don't stream until loona members obtain their rights for their music!
x: i streamed loona yesterday!
me: girl the boycott...
by edwardsmilk August 25, 2024
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