2 definitions by draconious

Backgammon, bak-gam'mon- means back-game-on...like you just took a dump or snapped your carrot in the middle of a dice game...and you are back in your seat and ready to roll dice...so you say back...game...on... the gay community took this to different levels by switching the words around... onbackgayman and backongaymen...they also changed the rules...double sixes gets you a reach around while you get your tail stuffed...and snake eyes gets you a nut rub!
Backgammon~He tried woman... but he is backongaymen!
by draconious August 6, 2007
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When something is so frikkin awesome it could only be described as two words in one, fucking phenomenal.
Boy: "So how did you like that dessert?"

Pat: "Holy Christ. That chocolate ganachè was fucknominal."
by draconious February 4, 2017
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