2 definitions by disgustingus-oderous

1. The bit on a train that leads to another carriage.

2. A cavity leading into another cavity.

3. Another word for arse, rectum etc.
1. Fire extinguishers are located in the vestibule.

2. "OUCH! Don't shove that into my vestibule. You will make me bleed!

3. "I say! I am going to give your vestibule a damn good ragging!"
by disgustingus-oderous March 8, 2005
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1. A place in the Shetland Isles named Lerwick by the Vikings.

2. Norse for shit creek.
1. I'm going to send you up Lerwick without a paddle.

2. I'll be there in a minute, im just going to drop a log into the Lerwick.

3. OUCH! My Lerwick is bleeding!
by disgustingus-oderous March 8, 2005
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