3 definitions by desiredparasite

A mixture of shithead and idiot. Often known for as being an insult, definately not a compliment, and NOT defined by the following person above/below/whatever, it was a common swear word my grandfather would say when driving on the road and running across a 'shidiot' who obviously didn't know what they were doing.
That stupid shidiot doesn't know how to drive! The light isn't going to get any greener, damnit!

I can't stand that asshole, he's a stupid shidiot.
by desiredparasite December 4, 2004
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-A derivative from the word spiffy. Meaning pretty much the same, a mixture of spoofed up and spiffy.
-A word used to exclaim something awesome and unique.
She jumped on top of the car and screamed "By GOD that is the most spooftacular thing I have ever seen, it's SPOOFY"
by desiredparasite December 4, 2004
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Feeling a loss, regret, or wanting something that was meant to be forgotten. Something that was in the past, that one aches to remember.
She felt nostaligic about the person she used to be, and hated the person she had become now.
by desiredparasite March 12, 2005
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