1 definition by depressed doge 317

A state of mind in which that who is afflicted feels betrayed or angry, usually due to the actions of a partner. This usually is due to the dumping of one member of a relationship by the other. This leaves the dumped unable to function normally, being dependent on the other, while the dumper is usually able to continue life as normal without much thought. Breaking someone's heart is usually seen as a selfish act, since it puts your own happiness and convenience before someone else's love. Betrayal usually stems from the belief that a relationship was a promise to be there for each other and to love each other, and that you fulfilled your part while your partner did not. Broken Hearts can also come from the discovery of a third party, a secondary partner your partner had you were not aware of, despite your loyalty and love to the one person.

Some affects of a broken heart may include falling into a depression, loss of appetite, loss of motivation, and suicidal thoughts. Time of recovery unknown, currently 3 weeks and counting.
Friend 1: hey, do you think *name* wants to play some video games later?
Friend 2: no, don't bother him. He has a broken heart and needs some time. He really loved her.
Friend 1: oh shit, alright. I hope he's ok.
Friend 2: I do to. It doesn't look too good though.
by depressed doge 317 April 30, 2020
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