40 definitions by da nastee one

Tupac Shakur faked his own death, son!
Of course Tupac is alive! The 7 Day Theory is correct, son! I saw Tupac the other day ... he was working at a Country Fair with Elvis & President Kennedy!
by da nastee one December 19, 2006
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a really hot, underage girl; most men would hook up with a lizzie mcguire if they knew they can get away with it
GUY 1: Damn! Check out that raven-haired hotty with the bodonkadonk booty!

GUY 2: Back off, dude. That lizzie mcguire is only 14.
by da nastee one June 12, 2003
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phrase that describes a heterosexual man's ability to maintain relationships with multiple simultaneous girlfriends; such relationships are sexual in nature
Every true player got at least 3 women: his girlfriend, his mistress, and his bitch. He needs his girlfriend for sex on a regular basis, his mistress for oral sex without reciprocity,and his bitch for the shit that the girlfriend and mistress WON'T do! That's big pimipin!
by da nastee one May 28, 2004
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RAVEN HAIR: /noun/ pitch black hair, like the feathers of a raven

RAVEN HAIRED: /adverb/ having pitch black hair
Actress Kelly Hu is one raven haired hotty!
by da nastee one June 12, 2003
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