24 definitions by critter getter
by critter getter September 7, 2007
When one Afro-American urbanite moves to the 'burbs and within 20 minutes you have 15 white kids emulating gangsta values.
Shit ! Those silly white boys went gangsta so fast when Jerome moved into the neighborhood it had to be wiggeroni.
by critter getter September 9, 2007
This is a slang word expressing an aggressively negative response or more accurately, meaning shit no.
by critter getter September 8, 2007
This is a slang word expressing an aggressively negative response or more accurately, meaning shit no.
by critter getter September 8, 2007
(noun)( Buhb-bah Bib-ew-lets ) Refers to man with overly large male breasts with grotesquely oversized nipples.( Generally belonging to large sweaty, incarcerated, inbred man most likely of Haitian extraction.)
YO ! Bubba Bibulets ! Put on a shirt on before I have to gouge my eyes out !
Did you check the nipples on Bubba Bibulets over there ?
Did you check the nipples on Bubba Bibulets over there ?
by critter getter September 7, 2007
"goin' all town meeting" is a phrase that came to bare after the national town meeting on universal health care that basically means screaming insanely all up in your face.
by critter getter August 14, 2009
This is word fusion that takes the words hippy and gangster to discribe those dreadlocked, baggy clothed, shabby, dirty, spin dancing folks that are deeply involved in drug and Grateful Dead culture, but not wanting to completely isolate themselves from modern culture, use gansta speak as their primary form of commuication.
Girl 1: Billy is such a fucking hangster ! When I brushed by him at their house he jumps up yellin' "Yo, yo, yo ! U be scetchin' my dreads ! Doan may me spin dance ova dare n git awl Rainbow Bear on yo ass !" then he says
"Now row me up 'n-otha one ah dose blunts wit dat fine ass cronic !" Whats up with that ?
Girl 2: Yeah! I don't know. Isn't he from like rural Vermont ? Like Manchester or Bromley or some-thing ???
"Now row me up 'n-otha one ah dose blunts wit dat fine ass cronic !" Whats up with that ?
Girl 2: Yeah! I don't know. Isn't he from like rural Vermont ? Like Manchester or Bromley or some-thing ???
by critter getter October 14, 2007