36 definitions by cornfritter

1) A simple - OD Green in color - sock used by Army Soldiers to jack off into while in a "field environment", thus hiding jism from fellow comrades who might may make fun of Sergeant Masturbater by coaxing - often at gunpoint - the penis pumper to eat said sock

2) A female Soldier used as a platoon fuck buddy during deployments, often fugly in appearance with a vagina as vast and expansive as worn out tube sock
1) Private Smith!, quite fucking your field sock and report to KP, ASAP, you fucker!

2) 2nd Lieutenant Partin let the whole goddamn 101st up in her granny snatch, dat shit bout loose as a field sock
by cornfritter December 6, 2010
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n. the littlest of christmas elves who is often relegated to cleaning the reindeer stalls of copious amounts of steaming shit as well as having phallis like toys tested on his bunghole prior to shipment; see also your dad
1) According to Mrs Claus, Bartholomew is this years scrote boy

2) Steve's dad is such a scrote boy
by cornfritter December 21, 2010
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noun. an extremely hairy girl - typically of italian or indian descent - who has a penchant for sucking on massive cocks... and, upon finishing the knobslob runs laps around the neighborhood screaming like a crazed wookie
Hey Steve, I never pegged your wife for a chewdicka, but now that she I see her running around the block, I see the accusations ring true
by cornfritter October 20, 2010
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The act of waddling - with pants down around the ankles - from one public bathroom stall to the next in search of paper with which to clean the poo from ones unwiped poopchute. This movement is typically used when a tiny piece of turd neglected to dislodge itself from said rusty balloon knot and their is little more than one square of shit ticket left in said stall and the person that has performed the shit wants not to incur a skid mark on their undergarments.
Ahmed is such a dipshit, he should know by now that the county is fiscally challenged and made a cognisant decision to forego toilet paper in all county schools, oh well I guess I will have inform Mrs Parrymore that he will be late to class again due to his 2 hour turd waddle
by cornfritter October 21, 2010
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A facebook profile pic featuring a close-up view of one human testicle
Nice pic you fucking facenad freak, now I have to go rinse my eyes out in an attempt to get the vision of your overly veiny, hairless coin pouch out of my head
by cornfritter January 12, 2011
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Noun. A female Halloween partygoer who adorns herself with a plentiful helpin o' baby gravy (sperm) on her face and proceeds to parade around the party spooking others.
Dude 1 (Dracula costume) -"have you seen Denise tonight? She indicated she would be in a funny costume"

Dude 2 (Sponge Bob costume) - "she is right over there, sporting that goop goblin costume"

Dude 1 (Dracula) - "funny???....I believe it to be a bit more trifling!"
by cornfritter October 15, 2010
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waxy shit consistency caused by constipation and the ingesting of large amounts of candy corn, twizzlers, peeps, and egg-nog; also caused by one shoving to many sugar babies up the rectum
I have placed a 14" long log of asstaffy on a paper plate and set it upon Mrs. Hernandez's desk....I am nervous and it is my sincerest hope that I ace my Espanol final.....she is the only thing standing between my and acceptance to community college....fiesta time!
by cornfritter December 21, 2010
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