2 definitions by conmanpaintbrush

Are you southern? and a baba? cool! now, come join northern lya lya, eastern boom boom, western chicky, and north-east cha cha! this word defines 1 thing: A cool man, who is better than all the emos at roblox arsenal!!!
"That colon family makes me southern baba with rage!"
by conmanpaintbrush December 2, 2021
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Bepperiscute (starpaintbrush) continuously falls to her death in Roblox: Alpine slide into the telamon while haze makes out with johnny bravo and rover has explosive diarrhea.
"this is highly inapproppiate. you shouldn't be insinuating that hazejoshua is a farting buttcrack donkey named shit. I am going to call you Martinin Bobobaba"
by conmanpaintbrush February 18, 2023
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