5 definitions by cinimod

(n) A person who follows/worships the teachings & gospel of Damir Bojanic
"This place is full of Damiricans, ace!"
by cinimod February 15, 2004
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A secret language whereby names are reversed and added after the two words "YAG SI...". If your name was Dave, you would say "Yag Si Evad". It is commonly regarded as a complimentary reference to a friend/relative/colleage who is not in the room at the time.
"Yag Si Enyaw", "Yag Si Omod", "Yag Si T Ynnad" "Yag Si Evad", "Yag Si Nhoj"
by cinimod February 15, 2004
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(n) a 'Lady' who one would describe as neither attractive nor ugly, but you probably still would, regardless of eg. Large Teeth or bizarre eyes.
"Shes a bit boggy marsh isnt she? But you still would..."
by cinimod February 15, 2004
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derogatory use of the male sex gland.

most commonly phrased by Dodgi Andi circa. 2005

"Morag, that old dog used to love the cark..."
by cinimod July 14, 2006
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a derivative of the word 'Rod', using the specific meaning of a fool, degenerate, or an asshole.

Specificially referring to the clean up operation that follows after self maintained ejaculation.
"That Forrester boy, what a rodwipe!"
by cinimod July 14, 2006
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