3 definitions by chromerzoner

When you meet someone new and spend a short time with them, whom you share an amazingly strong attraction with, even though it goes nowhere. Craigslist "Missed connections" section is full of folks who had micro-affairs.
I had a micro-affair with the new clerk at Lowe's while she helped me find an item. She's married, I have a girl friend, but we both truly enjoyed each other's company for those brief 5 minutes.
by chromerzoner May 14, 2013
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The clumsiness that results from wearing glasses that leave an area of peripheral vision out of focus or unseen. It may also cause slight vertigo.
I tripped over the damn cat this morning, due to the Magoo Effect of my new specticles.
by chromerzoner November 27, 2011
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The mail which we get from that certain person we all know who believes every single one of her friends would appreciate getting every G.D. piece of email she gets forwarded to them. She never cleans them up either, so all the forwarded and forwarding address's show. Also included are those chain emails which state they have to be forwarded or bad luck would ensue.
Damn! MY inbox just got crammed full of Brenda mail! She's getting periously close to my blocking her.
by chromerzoner February 26, 2012
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