4 definitions by c0llat

The definition of cancer, refers to cancer people, from the game call of duty mobile, this gun is overly gay and is the bane of high-ranked gameplay.
Don't know man, that kid do be sus, maybe he plays the NA-45

This NA-45 kid man, he's gotta be tripping rn.

No bro, you'll be a menace to society, fu-in NA-45 USER BRO, you don't want that.
by c0llat April 23, 2021
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A way to compliment someone for something they have done but more exaggerated.
PANIS SHAWN, that flick do be clean tho.
by c0llat April 23, 2021
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It just means your gay, comes from the game CODM, during its time it inspired a whole community of gays. That's about it.
Hey man, you're kinda akimbo rn, ur using the fennec so gotta stop, go back to being man, man.
by c0llat April 23, 2021
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