6 definitions by burgerking2

actually spelt emo posuer
someone who trys to fit into the emo stereotype because its the new thing
they think their life sucks and cut their wrists for attention
listen to music such as taking back sunday, fallout boy, hawthorne heights and of course panic!at the disco and simple plan which they think are emo
generally girls ages 11-14 who have a myspace and write blogs about what happened the other day when someone called them names and pretend their life is horrible
they are a disgrace to emo and have no idea what real emo is
emo posers need to stop cutting their wrists and get a life thats not what emo is about
by burgerking2 September 4, 2006
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a "fake" news show hosted by jon stewart thats very funny but too liberal definitely not as funny as the colbert report
person 1: did you see the daily show yesterday
person 2: yea it was funny
person 1: did you see the colbert report yesterday
person 2: yea it was funnier
by burgerking2 July 13, 2006
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the way stupid people spell the word stupid
if you've ever spelled stupid stuped then you are stupid
by burgerking2 August 30, 2006
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a "food" made by the evil corporation McDonalds made of floor sweepings and other unknown substances(possible traces of chicken)
person who just ate a mcnugget: damn thats nasty wats in this floor sweepings
by burgerking2 June 28, 2006
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1. when said in the south a person from the northern part of the united states typically new england
2. when said in any other part of the english speaking world anyone from the united states
1. in florida most people hate all the yankee tourists visiting from their state and complaining about how much better it is in ohio or wherever
2. in anywhere else most people probly hate yaankees for the same reasons
by burgerking2 August 11, 2006
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a musical genre/ scene that has almost 1000 definitions in urban dictionary most of which are making fun of it
im gonna add another definition for emo cuz 1000 isnt enough
by burgerking2 June 25, 2006
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