5 definitions by buck3tl0v3r


Short for “Lean Gushers
Gushers candy snack, but the gummy part of the Gusher is made of layers of Fruit Roll-Ups and the juice is NyQuil.
Person 1: “What is that stoner eating?”
Person 2: “Oh, Travis is just munching on some Lushers.”
by buck3tl0v3r March 30, 2023
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Goosing for a Jubbing

When you are searching for something that you really want
Schlatt: “What’s wrong with Tucker?”
Ted: “He’s probably just goosing for a jubbing.”
by buck3tl0v3r March 29, 2023
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Legally known Tyler, this 6’ 7” 210 lb beast is more commonly known as “Tractor” because of his size, musculature, athletic prowess, and childhood as the only farmhand on his family’s 12-acre farm while also caring for his 6-person family.
Person 1: “What’s the name of that guy who could beat up every person in the world at once with one hand and steal their girl?”
Person 2: “Why that TylerNettings, of course!”
(This is slightly unrealistic due to the fact that it would defy all known laws of nature for someone to forget TylerNettings.)
by buck3tl0v3r January 14, 2023
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Nǐ shì wǒ de biǎo zi

“you are my bitch” in mandarin
One of the best unbeatable comebacks to anything. Also can be used to shut someone up who is talking shit or just is being annoying. Most effectively used is rapid succession.
Some nerd probably named Travis: “Bro, stop slapping my ass unconsensually, that is really gay and I don’t like men.”
“Nǐ shì wǒ de biǎo zi! Nǐ shì wǒ de biǎo zi! Nǐ shì wǒ de biǎo zi! Nǐ shì wǒ de biǎo zi!”
by buck3tl0v3r January 14, 2023
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The Bucket and the Mop

Refers to Travis Netting, the bucket being his absolute dump truck, and the mop being his luscious locks of curly hair.
by buck3tl0v3r January 14, 2023
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