4 definitions by bubbert

An individual, whom, by the subjective generalization of the observer, has never been exposed to much stress or hardship and appears to have had academic, career and personal success that is far above average. The individual has an extroverted personality and feints an image of egality with respect to his or her peers. The individual will be well respected in his or her career and other activities and is usually very physically active in aerobic athletics. The quality of the material objects that these individuals own are usually superior to any alternatives.

The prick portion of the person's personality is realized due to minor fluctuations of the demeanor that may appear to exhibit the same qualities as bipolar disorder. The observer will understand the minor fluctuation of the personality to be due to having a life with very little exposure to stress or hardship and the brief harshness of the fluctuation is akin to that of a pin prick, hence the name 'prick.' It should be realized this an over-generalization of the observer on the individual and not a scientifically accurate method for analyzing a personality.
That guy in the BMW just flipped out because the window washer missed a spot, what a prick.
by bubbert August 27, 2013
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A grundel has two definitions:

1. An area of skin between the legs and also between the anus and the sex organ.

2. A Combative, authoritative, pompous, superficial individual who is prone to overgeneralize topics and predisposed to utilize fallacious logic to further an argument.
Man #1: Oh shit grundel Bob is coming over here, he's such a grundel!
Grundel Bob: You guys look like pussies, ya wanna fight?

Man #2: Man, here comes grundel Bob again. All he wants to do is fight.
Grundel Bob: You guys look like a couple of homosexuals, I can tell based off your haircuts. Ya wanna fight?

Man #1: Grundel Bob, why do you keep starting fights? You're such a grundel!
Grundel Bob: Well I could say the same thing about youuuuu.
by bubbert November 26, 2013
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A person who chooses to violate with the machine that can determine all information.
I can't do anything with my life until these god damn faggots get out of here.
by bubbert July 20, 2023
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Vulgar form of cowardly.

Someone who chooses to violate with the machine that can determine all information.

"Using an unlimited force against another for no reason other than to placate a disturbed and diabolical mental state without any personal interest at stake" summarized as one word.
Oh great, here comes another pussy trying to show me whose boss again.
by bubbert July 20, 2023
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