5 definitions by brianbbad

The illegal practice of signing off on real estate foreclosure documents without verifying the information within. This is done by persons in the finance and housing industries to speed up the process of foreclosing homes.
A few major banks are under investigation for alleged robosignings, which could result in fraud charges.
by brianbbad October 4, 2010
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1. a cross-breed of "scandalous" and "ferocious"
2. sexual in nature, especially concerning sexual activities that are risky or done on the sly
"Don't tell him, but me and his girl had a totally scandocious late-night session."
by brianbbad May 27, 2007
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In broadcasting, a sudden and inflexible ending of material in a bulletin, usually determined by a fixed-length pre-recorded segment or a pre-programmed computer event.

Source: thenewsmanual.net
Remember, that part of the show has a hard out, so make sure to plug your tour dates early in the interview.
by brianbbad October 22, 2012
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Style or sub-genre of comedy that employs humor of a particularly physical, over-the-top, indecent, or otherwise unsubtle nature.
This terminology uses an uncommon definition of "broad," which would usually be taken to mean "general" or "of great breadth."
The Three Stooges will forever be cherished for their classic works of broad comedy.
by brianbbad February 26, 2010
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An article or editorial that has been written for the purpose of promoting a product or service. The word itself is a combination of "advertisement" and "editorial." Often the piece will avoid a tone with overt bias.
I had read a whole page about vitamins in the news magazine before realizing the story was just an advertorial.
by brianbbad March 8, 2011
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