3 definitions by brendan - remussy lover


A large succulent, juicy, moist, dripping, damp, dank, skunky, stinky, vile, putrid, foul, nauseating, vomit-inducing pussy.
Typically belonging to that of a Vizsla, although having negative characteristics, it has extremely addictive properties, worse than that of nicotine.
friend 1: bro im craving remussy rn
friend 2: i thought you were off that stuff bro?
friend 1: that shit is just too good
*enter remy*
by brendan - remussy lover May 25, 2022
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An Anglophilic name is typically used for young men as a nickname. The name 'Churchy' gained popularity through its connection to world-famous remussy & use as a method of intimidation and fear in English prisons, Often resulting in mistreatment, harassment, and abuse of women.
ol' chap 1: ello' mate, how're ye goin'
churchy: not bad govna, feelin sum remussy rigt' bout' now
ol' chap 1: that'a the way ol' churchy
by brendan - remussy lover May 29, 2022
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The Room 13 Incident

Sashko P. - son of Hector OVP - was subject to his world ending in front of him. Events that transpired revealed a new kind of love, involving his first girlfriend, and her status as a 'gal'. This would forever change the trajectory of everyone's life's involved.
friend 1: that reminds me of the room 13 incident
friend 2: whats the room 13 incident?
Sashko: ...
by brendan - remussy lover November 13, 2023
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