4 definitions by boobaprofessor

The 2nd-smallest size of a breast. While not Flat, Knockers are typically the sizes of oranges.
Person 1: Hey, she has nice boobs!
Person 2: Yeah, those are Knockers right there!
by boobaprofessor June 9, 2023
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The 2nd largest size of breasts. Badonkers are usually the sizes of Grapefruits. While not as common as the slightly smaller Knockers or Fladdies, they aren't as rare as Bazunga-hungas.
Person 1: Dude, she's got Badonkers!
Person 2: I know, right?
Badonker Haver: Stay away from me, what the fuck are Badonkers you creeps?
by boobaprofessor June 9, 2023
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The smallest size of a breast. Fladdy owners are usually completely flat chested or have breasts the size of a small fruit. These small-fruit size breasts are a subset of Fladdies, known as Apple-fladdies. Another subset of fladdies are Sharp-fladdies, which usually have perkier or larger nipples.
Person 1: Yo, those fladdies are sick!
Person 2: Those are Apple-fladdies, idiot. You aren't cultured enough to enjoy REAL fladdies.
by boobaprofessor June 9, 2023
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The largest type of breast, usually droopy and oval-shaped rather than an ordinary more circular shape. Bazunga-hungas are rare, but are usually about the size of the possessor's head, if not larger.
Person 1: Dude, i met this girl last night, her boobs were huge!
Person 2: Oh, like Badonkers?
Person 3: Nah, man, Bazunga-hungas!
by boobaprofessor June 9, 2023
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