49 definitions by bobo d. hobo

Parody Singer


Gangsters Paradise into-
Amish Paradise

Stand in the place where i live int0-
Spam in the place where i live

Im Bad into-
Im Fat!

Amish paradise:

...I take a look at my wife and realize she's very plain, but that's just perfect for an amish like me, you know i shun fancy things like electricity, at 4:30 in the morning im milkin' cows....

by bobo d. hobo July 26, 2004
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Prison on an island in California where al capone was held.

-alcatraz is now shutdown-
Lets take a tour of alcatraz isle!
by bobo d. hobo April 29, 2004
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Soldat clan oftenly hiring n00bs but has a couple vets ;)
Soldier:Did you go to that clan Jedi Server?
Soldier(2):yeah i lagd- is that how it's spelled?
Soldier:i wun
Soldier(2):good jaub, how poeple wase there?
Soldeier:about...i dunno i dunno how 2 see players....
BObo D. HObo:it is /mercy
Soldier:can i join yer clan?
Soldier(2):Me 3?!
BObo D. HObo: Hail no!
Soldier:^hey Soldier (2) lets find a Jedi neow0b and ask tehm!
BObo D. HObo:i'm on yer team...
by bobo d. hobo April 28, 2004
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Short for U turn. A "U-TURN" is a car turning around 180º making the shape of a "U"
I got my car stuck on the railroad tracks making a u-ey.

Go left...yeah...ok, make a u-ey now.
by bobo d. hobo July 10, 2004
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Site Owned By BObo D. Hobo about soldat, the Online Multiplayer Game. Includes Maps and MODs for soldat, also a guest book and shoutbox.
bobodhobo.tk needs more content, and BObo needs to make some buttons in Adobe Illustrator, then i would give it a leet point
by bobo d. hobo July 10, 2004
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¥- japanese currency, yen

£- Britland Currency, Liero

ñ- accented "n" usually used in words like niño

î was very bored on my keypad!
by bobo d. hobo July 10, 2004
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