17 definitions by bob l

A televangilist who has unknown influence connections to the D.C. crowd for no apparent reason. Frequently puts both feet in mouth while inserting his head up his ass, thus accused of being a secret Yogi. Is a closet Republican who lusts after power and is deeply in love with his own opinions and the sound of his own voice.
Why is that ass Jerry Falwell on Fox news again?
by bob l July 4, 2003
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a treat, or place/activity of same. Originally candy, soda, sweets, etc. or a place where you can get it. can also be applied to an activity/job that's a treat. Known as a sailor's term.
I got some slack time, I'm going to get me some geedonk.
by bob l July 3, 2003
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a black person, aluding to native hunters in Africa.
There's a whole lotta spearchuckers on that bus.
by bob l July 3, 2003
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as in que sirrah, sirrah
Well wine steward, I don't care what you bring us, que sirrah, sirrah!
by bob l July 3, 2003
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A astronomy term, a collection of stars that form 'bettlejuice'
by bob l July 4, 2003
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some one without a clue, or foolish.
Hey numbnuts, you just stepped on a reeking pile of dog shit.
by bob l July 3, 2003
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In Jewish golf, when you get on the greens you putz! If you miss, you are putzing around.
I'll putz for an eagle, but I wouldn't walk a mile for a camel.
by bob l March 31, 2004
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