27 definitions by blank

The walls of your butt. Not the butt hole or the cheaks but the dirty hairy walls that compose the inside of your butt. The area walls of skin you spread to wipe after you poop.
Dave: My drunges are sweaty!
Chris: You butt hole?
Dave: No my drunges, you know the inner walls of my ass.
Chris: Oh you have sweaty Drunges.
by blank December 15, 2004
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To give up. Call it a day. When something is not worth doing.
-"Hey, you wanna help me move these heavily boxes full of useless stuff?"

-"No way. Shine it."
by blank April 24, 2003
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The crappiest bard on Hib Gawaine
Alb1: Hey, whos that moron bard over there running for tree to tree?
Alb2: I have no idea

Alb 1 hits you for 1000 + 6000, your dead because you suck
by blank January 14, 2005
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An event or circumstance set to take place in the future which, if attended/experienced, can be predicted to produce catastrophic results for the individual expressing the term, including but not limited to serious injury and/or death.
Brian: "News is the DOOM movie /might/ not suck."

Jason: "Yeah, right. I declare it a crab battle."

Brian: "Stop saying that!"
by blank September 21, 2005
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A white affluent society full of snobbery, country clubbing, and discrimination. A small town where if you are not white, christian, rich, and bitchy, you will be shunned. Don't forget that if your house is in the township, you are automatically richer and better than everyone living in the borough. Jews are not welcomed. Blacks are not welcomed, and God help you if you are both. A common insult would include "Damn, you just got Jewed." The drug of choice is ecstasy because marijuana is not expensive enough.
"That town is so Chatham!" "No, there's atleast one Jew and two Blacks, therefore it can't be."
by blank January 17, 2005
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Really nice, and someone who makes you laugh
by blank September 7, 2003
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