4 definitions by bittersweet

Friend A: dude I spent like two hours on that caption

Friend B: R u cereak
by bittersweet August 7, 2018
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Long Slow Distance
A training method for runners.
He did lots of LSD before the big marathon.
by bittersweet January 22, 2005
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when something zooms, it's legit, it's cool, it works
"...So, what do you think?"
"That zooms."
by bittersweet November 14, 2004
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a tv show that shows that the life of rich sucessfull people is not perfect, and, even if youre a genius, you also can be an asshole, like larry david it`s a great show.
-my life sucks, i am poor and i`m an idiot
- don`t say that!!! didn`t you see curb your enthusiasm?
by bittersweet January 30, 2005
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