2 definitions by birdman-vladimir

A crazy gathering of the nerdiest people you can imagine, usually taking place in the basement of one of the aforementioned nerds. Crazy things will go down when these nerds get together, with the violence and insanity of cesium exploding inside the toilet of a well-known celebrity.
Jerry: That nerdfest last night was insane!

Bob: Yeah! When we play Trivial Pursuit, we play it HARD!
by birdman-vladimir November 27, 2010
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A person with this name will likely be the most badass Swedish person you will ever meet. Totally dismissive of any danger and common sense, Kevin Langs often do seemingly insane things, which nonetheless will endear them to the people around them.
Person 1: Did you see that guy Sparta-kick that man down the stairwell?

Person 2: Yeah, what a Kevin Lang!
by birdman-vladimir December 11, 2010
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