3 definitions by bgirl

slang term for X.
as in....x-stacy...
Joe, lemme get some tic tacs befo' we go to da club.

Err body in da club wit some tic tacs...

Hide the tic tacs! Po-po is comin'!!!
by bgirl November 24, 2004
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A beautiful , book smart ( usually ) , street smart ( usually) often in to math , Very talented an will do great things in life . She has great friends . She is also the best friend any one could ask for .. if you have a friend named Tarahji , keep her around . She's quiet when she should be but when she is out of school or work she is wild and crazy( in a good way ) she knows how to make you laugh . She always has great taste in music and is the perfect person to hang out with at a concert or music festival. She's extremely creative . If you need her she will be there . The only person she needs is herself and is very dependable and independent. Altho she knows how to pick her guys .of your a guy you wanna pick someone like Tarahji. If your a girl then you wanna find a Tarahji as a best friend .
Guy one/ Hey that new girl Tarahji is cool . I'm gonna ask her out
Guy two / too late she is mine

Tarahji / nahhh I have me myself and I 😁
by bgirl March 30, 2017
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Seriocomic: combining the serious and the comic; serious in intention but jocular in manner or vice versa.
"I gotta give Hardee's an extended golf clap this morning. In an age where all of the fast food joints are extending their salad and yogurt offerings, Hardee's has apparently said "F-that noise, we're going the other way, add bacon to every damn thing including the ice cream." Beaver B prime example of one who is a seriocomic.
by bgirl October 8, 2013
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