3 definitions by beluga_fish

a person who is aware of something, but chooses to either ignore it or lie about it; a lair or a fraud

comes from the saying that a watermelon seller does not know if the watermelon is ripe or not but promotes them regardless. it gained notoriety when it was attributed to the president of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan who is described to be a crook and fraud.
Now lets talk about that 'watermelon seller' Erdogan, he sold me a basket of Apples knowing they'd be rotten on the inside.
by beluga_fish October 10, 2020
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a redneck american who enjoys his anime
uncle cletus is a weebalo, hes always polishing his gun while listening to anime
by beluga_fish March 20, 2018
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acronym for; open mouth thumbnail trash

refers to the popular trend among youtubers where thumbnails of videos include close up images of their faces with mouths a-jaw
person #1: "did you see the video where the dude pretends to win 1,000,000$"
person #2: "no but I can guess its a OMTT channel"
by beluga_fish December 11, 2020
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