51 definitions by bandanasarerad

Ah,Panic! At The Disco...the current favourates of MTV,teenage girls and less scene indie kids.
Listening to them is like being poked by a stick: it's not going to kill you,but it's fucking annoying after a while.
There is a lot of reasons to hate them (or throw a bottle at them),one being that all the members are ugly,that they are all cunts and,oh yeah, all giving blowjobs to Pete Wentz. The only people I know that like Panic! seem to be more interested in how "hot" they all are rather than the quality of the music,and they'll probably be into Cute Is What We Aim For next week.
If you think Panic! At The Disco are great,answer me this:
~Why are all their fans female?
~Why,if they are so awesome,do they get played on MTV? We all know MTV plays music that is mediocre at best.
~You like Panic! At The Disco...are you a fag/dyke?
P!ATDfan:"OMGosh,Panic! At The Disco are soo,like,emo!"
P!ATDfan:"They;re sooo,like,haWT!!!"
P!ATD:"I'm so, like, trendy! Oh I'm so COOL...uh,I mean emo"
Me:*kills P!ATD fan by slicing off head with Bouncing Souls CD*
by bandanasarerad October 18, 2006
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A finnish "love metal" band,fronted by the god-like Ville Valo. Recently taken upon by 13 year old TRL watching fangirls,thanks to that n00b Bam Magera. Also have a symbol called the Heartagram which ,again, has been stolen by that n00b Bam Magera.
I like HIM,for me they're like the European Bon Jovi.
"Oh,I love HIM" sighed the sixteen year old goth/crustie as she listened to Buried Alive By Love by HIM.
by bandanasarerad October 21, 2006
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