10 definitions by aquarius32

A store run by Gap, Inc., which postures itself as the "upscale" line by being more expensive than both Gap and Old Navy. After you rummage through a few pile of shirts and scour the whole store for anything colorful, one realizes that it is no better than the Gap and with the quality just as lacking. Banana Republic tirelessly competes with J. Crew, its primary rival, although the corporate execs forget that a store filled with beige, brown, and khaki only invites a similar trend of mediocrity. Why bother?
Banana Republic is the de-facto anchor of most suburban, outdoor lifestyle centers, thus cheapening the image of the brand.
by aquarius32 July 26, 2010
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The commerical hub of the Main Line. Chock full of banks, pizza shops, classy restaurants, artsy coffee shops, and BMW's, Audi's and Lexus's coursing through Lancaster Avenue at any given time of day. Also home to one of the original IHOP restaurants. Ardmore is a fairly diverse town, and does not have the reputation for being as money-laden as adjacent municipalities such as Bryn Mawr, Haverford, and Wynnewood. Suburban Square, one of the first outdoor shopping centers, is located here.
Ardmore attracts the wealthy patrons of the Main Line because of its well-known business district.

Many residents of West Philly shop in Ardmore since Suburban Square is only a stone's throw away from the train platform.
by aquarius32 March 29, 2010
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The mecca of malls, located in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania. "K-O-P", as it is popularly known in the surrounding region, houses the largest collection of retail stores in the United States. It is also home to the only Neiman Marcus store in the Philadelphia metropolitan area. When upscale retailers decide to open a store in the Philadelphia region, King of Prussia is usually the first or second choice. Over the past 50 years, King of Prussia has grown into one of the most prominent edge cities on the East Coast.
Since the town of King of Prussia is virtually indistinguishable from the mall, the people who live there refer to themselves as living in Upper Merion Township to avoid confusion.
by aquarius32 April 13, 2010
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