24 definitions by antony

The absolute worst boy band in history. Imagine a majorly watered down garage group (e.g. So Solid Crew) made up of mainly white wannabe teenage 'gangstas'. If garage wasn't bad enough already, we have to listen to this shit. Thankfully though, I think they 'went thier seperate ways'.
Chavette: Oh, My GOD!!! Like, the Blazin' Squad is comin' to town, innit! I is like SO excited!

Normal Person: Fuck off and get a job, you slag.

Blazing Squad = Shit
by antony August 9, 2006
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A mix of twat and cunt all in one, beautifully crafted word.
'Look at him, the twunt.'
by antony May 7, 2006
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A Grand Theft Auto style game set in London with lots of cockney rhyming slang and swaring.
I went out and bought a copy of The Getaway immediately.
by antony May 28, 2004
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