14 definitions by annoyedblackguy

The kind of opposite of upchucking. When you vomit a bit, and you accidentally swallow it. Leaves nasty taste in your mouth, and it can often happen many times if you are hungover.
Guy 1: "Damn it, after that massive party I fucking downchucked like 8 times"
Guy 2: "That's nasty"
by annoyedblackguy July 22, 2006
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Abbrieviation of "Just Kidding". Often mistaken as an abbrieviation of "Jokes", but this is still a widely accepted form of it.
"Lyke I was jk"
"Lolmfao, jk"
by annoyedblackguy July 13, 2006
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New word used by asians to further - yes further - proclaim "azn pryde". Clear difference between taking pride in being asian, and its cheap and skanky cousin "AzN PrYdE".
Guy 1: Yo MaH AzN HoOoMiEz DiZ iZ teH AzNizZLe
Guy 2: Fo ShiZzLe NiGgUuHhh
Guy 1: Fo DaYuM ShOooO
by annoyedblackguy August 2, 2006
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A person of any nationality, who is a really dark, evil motherfucker, that seems capable of massacring people. Generally a loner, reads and death stares straight into the very fabric of your being.

Derived from the Korean dude "Cho", who massacred 32 students at Virginia Tech.
Guy 1: My god that Andy kid, he's such a Cho all he does is read all day and stroke that semi-automatic wonder...what he's gonna do with it.

Guy 2: Beats me.

Andy: My precious..Gollum kill you! Nooo..Smeagle must stop him...aaaargh!
by annoyedblackguy May 30, 2007
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Internet smilie, which is now becoming completely void of any meaning whatsoever. Unfortunately, its going the same way as "lol". People are killing "xD" by: Over using it in online games (Eg 1), and putting it at the end of their online names (Eg 2).
Eg 1
Dude 1: "Dude that was lyke pwnage"
Dude 2: "xD"
Dude 1: "xD"
Dude 3: "xD"

Eg 2
by annoyedblackguy July 18, 2006
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When you sit down with trousers on, and the fly sticks up forming the erectionesque shape.
Girl: LOLOLOL Erection!!!11
Guy: No...Trouserection.
Girl: Closet Gay.
by annoyedblackguy August 13, 2007
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To tell someone to go on UrbanDictionary.com, and search up the word they don't know about (1). Can be shortened to "Urban it", if people know what your talking about, that is.
Guy 1: Yo, what does "16" mean?
Guy 2: Urban dictionary it.
by annoyedblackguy July 30, 2006
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