3 definitions by afallenmind

When you are having a conversation, or in a situation, and you completely forget a major part of what you were going to say or do.
"I was talking to Carol on the phone, right? And while we were chatting, she was re-dressing Jeremy's wounds. I'm so glad he's out of the... uh... fuck. HOSPITAL! He's out of the hospital. Sorry. Stoner moment."
by afallenmind January 21, 2015
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To cause another person to have an orgasm so hard that they turn blue during the orgasm process.
I went down on that chick so long she smurfed. For a second I thought I killed the bitch!
by afallenmind January 9, 2012
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When a person laughs so hard their bowels quiver and they shit their pants.
I saw Richard Pryor on tv last night. I laughed so hard I had a backdoorgasm and had to change my underwear!
by afallenmind May 5, 2011
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