4 definitions by aaronprime

Feeling happy for someone on their behalf.
Harry got laid last night, I am feeling very flunchle.
by aaronprime December 3, 2019
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A joke. Like, the worst joke anyone could make. A joke someone is proud of but is fucking abhorrent and they don't realise it because they're a dense motherfucker.
Man 1: "Hey, why did the chicken cross the road"?
Man 2: "Fuck off you fucking Mumdem."
by aaronprime March 21, 2018
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To swim at an Olympic level with seemingly no effort.
Announcer: "Michael Phelps has just broken another Olympic world record. A true Beynon if ever there was one."
by aaronprime March 21, 2018
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The hero we deserve, but not the one we need right now. A silent guardian. A watchful protector. Father Gable.
Woman 1: "It's a bird."
Woman 2: "It's a plane."
Woman 3: "It's Father Gable. I'm creaming."
by aaronprime March 21, 2018
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