26 definitions by a fan

A person who is very sexy while dead.
Before he died, he wasn't really sexable. Afterwords, though, he was Imguam galore.
by a fan December 15, 2003
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a band made up of the hottest guys in northern virginia that had some bad ass tunes
played songs such as "jro broke the tom","a hold on life","drunk sex" and,"dinosaurs"
by a fan June 6, 2004
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The one, the only World Monarch. Hot redhaired writer chick with a bangup sense of humor and fifteen times the sex appeal of most "normal" women.
Dayamn, that ImpQueen is HOT.
by a fan December 12, 2004
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Angsty teen or pre-teen with loud mouth, too much spare time and an astonishinly high confidence in the worth if his or her own option. Likes to piss people off, making self look better by pointing out faults in others, and being kissed in the ass 24/7.
OMG bluebones i want 2 haev ur children!!!1!!111!!11!ONE111!
by a fan July 12, 2003
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a.k.a. chi-phizzle

An organization of 18-28 year olds who value drinking and fucking fat freshmen girls over anything and everything. Characterized by 'brotherhood' activities which are nothing more then overt displays of homo-eroticism perpetuated by homophobic individuals lacking in tact or civility.
ex.1 - Man, Chi Phi is fucking tight!

ex.2 - You should join Chi Phi and fuck some freshmen hos
by a fan December 16, 2004
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A Kick-Ass Rock & Roll band from N.Y.C.
"I saw SLUNT last night and they ROCKED!!!
by a fan April 7, 2003
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Follower of unkown ska junk band the Junglists.
Hes a right hardcore Junglist!
by a fan March 7, 2004
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