2 definitions by a CREEK filled with TOMTORD

(VERY RARE) They are people with flesh and blood and are able to communicate with the other side (ghosts,demons, etc.). Most Oculus' are born, but they could also be made later in life, most often through trauma, but that is extremely rare. The child Oculus is most at risk of possession or an "accidental" death, mainly caused by Shadowpeople. The teenage Oculus isn't to have these problems with spirits, but they're at high risk of suicide.
man, im sure im an oculus! its so hard to tell if its a blessing or a curse..
by a CREEK filled with TOMTORD January 5, 2017
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A person who won the presidential election and is soon going to become president.
cant wait for the president elect to become Americas new president!
by a CREEK filled with TOMTORD December 29, 2016
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