4 definitions by _ hijack _

when someone lies to you or your board in general you yell this and be told to shut up
by _ hijack _ October 17, 2018
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the most time consuming question in your life for useless websites
you: another useless question in our sad lives
them: what is it?
you: oh its that "I'm not a robot " shit
by _ hijack _ October 17, 2018
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Boio is the name for someone who is male and is the same or younger age than you who you respect in a platonic way.
1)What is up boio
2)He is a Boio
by _ hijack _ October 15, 2018
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sounds like (choke on)
the people from swakon are using chokun to help fight ligma and sugma
carl: i have ligma
kevin: swakon has found a vaccine called chokun
carl: choke on deez nuts!
by _ hijack _ October 19, 2018
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