4 definitions by _:_:_

I'm actually a pom dancer, I have to admit, but I consider myself a cheerleader as we do cheer moves. (I'll add an entry for a pom dancer in a minute).

A cheerleader is often seen as blonde, 6"tall and a dress size 000 with a nasty attitude towards everybody who's 'beneath' her, promiscuous and isn't especially intelligent. However, this is very much a stereotype which many movies love playing up to *sad sigh*.

Cheerleading isn't just about shaking pompoms, being happy and smiley all the time and showing off to the fit boys, oh no!
It requires a lot of physical strength (Especially when lifting other memebers of the squad), balance, concentration, fitness and flexibility (Always handy when trying to do the splits or a toetouch!)

There is a huge variety in my squad! There are a few blonde girlie girls, but one girl in my squad is a UK size 20 and she's really good. Nobody is taller than about 5"8 in my squad and the range varies from UK size 6 to UK size 20, some are prettier than others and - although we may not all LOOK like stereotypical cheerleaders and/or act like them, we work hard for our squad and enjoy it.

See the example to show what I'm like as a cheerleader.
In MY case, a cheerleader is a chubby UK size 10 with cropped dark brown hair with blue flashes in it, thick glasses (Unless doing competitions^, in which case contacts are required), a Mensan (152-point IQ), lesbian and NOT always happy and perky and dressed in skimpy designer gear. (I'm more likely to wear baggy jeans than anything else).

^Wouldn't want my glasses to get trampled on, would I? Lawl!!
by _:_:_ March 1, 2007
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A sweetly-scented pod used to flavour sweet foodstuffs and drinks; as well as being a common note in perfumes.

See Positive
Also: A term used to describe someone not involved in the BDSM community

NEGATIVE (Mostly about women, but can also apply to men)
A person who is at least one of the following
+Unadventurous (In everyday life and/or sexually)
+Only follows the mainstream or whatever is popular with their friends
+Overtly concerned with not being seen as a loser to their outside world i.e. No admittance to having social flaws, only consuming the "right" brands and being seen in the "right" places in the "right" clothes with the "right" face for the surroundings and their friends. More often than not, "right" seems to approximate to being grown-up and/or sophisticated
+Not interested in broadening their mind
+A sheep
+innocuous on the outside but can - ALTHOUGH NOT ALWAYS - actually be an obnoxious gossip
+Believes the opposite sex is completely alien and acts in a pathetic way about them {For an example, see^}
+Plays thick and/or genuinely is dumb
+Tends to do the same things
+Go to the "right" kind of nightclub and then bleat about how they only play a good song every half hour
+Plays up to gender roles which are dictated to them somehow, somewhere, and for no good reason
+Apathetic about current issues that affect them, or pretends to be
POSITIVE: "Mmmm! Vanilla milkshake... my favourite."

NEUTRAL: *someone talking to a kinkier friend* "Eh, I'm not into being hogtied by my lover... I'm just an old-fashioned romantic vanilla guy like that."

Vanilla is one of the base notes in Hypnotic Posion by Dior
Essie: ^"Oh my god! He told me he'd call me yesterday, but he didn't. Does that mean he doesn't like me?"

OR "Why are guys so weird? What the hell do they THINK about?"

OR "I wish I lived in the 19th century, because then I'd be comfortable marrying for money"

OR "Have you seen - e.g. - The Inbetweeners OR Coronation Street OR F.R.I.E.N.D.S.?

Emma (If she had the guts to voice her thoughts) I DON'T KNOW! YOU ASK HIM! Ugh, *WHY* are vanilla girls so weird? How do guys ever find them remotely attractive?

OR Yikes, bit of a Barlow girl attitude there!

OR Eh, I've seen few episodes/No, I don't watch it (because it's bloody boring and represents how dull this vanilla society is)!

This vanilla society does not accept polyamoury and considers everything you do away from your partner to be cheating. Marriage, commitment and monogamy are what matters to the vanilla.

NEGATIVE 3: My boyfriend OR girlfriend is really crap in bed - (s)he's *so* vanilla
by _:_:_ July 1, 2012
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1. A girl who, through choice, won't let just anyone fall for her and doesn't give herself in any way, shape or form to just anyone (or at least, not while she's in high school). Quite a low-key character who doesn't dress to impress others.

1. An American CCM group consisting of 3 sisters, all of whom share the surname.... ummm.... Barlow. Written without a space between the words Barlow and Girl.

1.(n)A girl who won't even breathe in the general direction of a boy (Of course they're NEVER gay *rolls eyes*) no matter how much she likes him UNLESS SHE'S MARRIED OR ELSE SHE WILL GO TO HELL. Unhealthily obsessed with purity.

2. Used to describe an item of clothing that is considered either hideously dowdy and consevative or not revealing or trashy enough for one's tastes.
Wow, Barlow Girls are really rare these days. Good on her for not putting out or dressing like a slag.

NEUTRAL: BarlowGirl have a new album out called Love & War.

NEGATIVE 2:Mum: "Em, have a look at this" (This being - for example - a taupe-coloured shapeless dress with a cowl neck and long sleeves)
Me: "EURGH! That's the sort of thing a Barlow Girl woud wear!"
by _:_:_ November 22, 2009
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A Twitter account, or a person with a Twitter account.

Derived from the word twet, as used by @CelestialBeard, aka Thom J.
1. I follow some really awesome TWETKINS. They make me laugh, they make me cry, they make me think... they make life worth living.

And if nothing else, they make sitting on the can a lot less boring.

2. To all TWETKINS: Could you please RT the following hashtag/link? It's for an important cause.

3. John: Who should I follow on Twitter?
Sam: Well, why not try @OhWonka or @BigKnickersBot? Loads of TWETKINS I know follow them because they're fucking hilarious.
John: You sound like such a douche when you say "Twetkins". What's wrong with just "Twitter accounts", or "friends", or even "homies"?
Sam: One takes too long to say, one applies to Facebook as well and the other can be used anyfuckingwhere. You still my twet bro (friend), right?"
John: <-< >-> o-O O-o ... Ummm, yeah. *makes a mental note to unfollow Sam later on*
by _:_:_ July 13, 2012
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