2 definitions by Zenlenjun

Someone who is very kind and gently. The name Mitzi has derived from German roots and can be used a nickname for someone named Maria in such places in and around Germany. Mitzi khei's are such beautiful and wonderful people. The most beautiful people.

It's a very pretty name and very unique.
:Oh wow, look at how pretty she looks.

: her names Mitzi, Mitzi khei!
: no wonder-
by Zenlenjun November 16, 2020
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Khei's are mostly females. They have a bright, pretty smile. They can be really self conscious even though they have no reason to be. They are kind, calm, precious, adorable, sweet, and loving. They can be very protective over people they love. They try their best to take care of their friends and family. They normally have brown hair with chocolatey brown eyes. Their voice like soft honey that you could get cavities from. Anyone would be lucky to date a Khei. They are the most selfless person. They tend to not love them selves even though they should. Dream occupation tends to be a Veterinarian. They love animals and love to take care of them and it a great animal caregiver. Someone you could easily fall in love with.
Klay: "Wow, she's so good with animals"

Wayne: " She must be a Khei"
by Zenlenjun June 4, 2020
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