142 definitions by Zach G.

1) A phrase used when pissed.
2) Abrv. for damn it.
Damnit, that was my last muffin.
by Zach G. October 28, 2003
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The native language of urbandictionary.com. Contains words that make no sense.
Jibbby pip foouw jibbblenet ututututut.
(Translation: Good god, what language art thou speaking?)
by Zach G. November 25, 2004
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Thin, pancake-like french pastries that go good with fruit and whipped cream.
"I'm making craypes."
"Its pronounced crepes."
by Zach G. December 5, 2003
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An occupation.
It is Urban for:My life is fucked up.
"I have a McJob."
"Man, you are fucked up."
by Zach G. November 25, 2003
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A fossil that people over 30 are strangely attracted to.
Oh death, why so unfair, to take away sunny, and still leave us Cher.
by Zach G. October 31, 2003
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A freakin' tasty desert. I could go for one right now...
Damn, that was one freakin' tasty cheesecake.
by Zach G. October 28, 2003
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