251 definitions by Your mom

1. The title of a book that features punk rock legend, Sid Vicious.
2. "Too Fast To Live, Too Young To Die". A store in England that was later renamed "Sex". It was owned by Malcolm McLaren, and was where the Sex Pistols bought their clothing.
1. Read Sid Vicious's story in "Too Fast To Live".
2. The Sex Pistols shopped at "Too Fast To Live, Too Young To Die", renamed "Sex".
by Your mom January 15, 2005
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The Democratic candidate hoping to run for the White House again, and also chairman for the Democratic National Committee. He sure has the enthusiasm, if not way too much of it.
Howard Dean: Fuck John Kerry, we will defeat Condi Rice! We'll make it in 2008! AAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWRRRR!!!!!
by Your mom December 11, 2004
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your nose.
he must have lost the combonation to his snotlocker because he is trying to pick it.
by Your mom September 4, 2003
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The anal canal and the hole of the anus.
I want to stick it in her pewp shewt
by Your mom November 19, 2004
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Adj, noun; A person who spends all day and night gambling at the local riverboat casino.
Mike's parents spend all their time at the casino. They are a couple of boat pigs.
by Your mom February 19, 2004
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