2 definitions by Yossi Gur

The sexiest flute, currently held by Nunu himself. It was passed on to him by Yossi Gur and forged by the almighty Idan Gurishvily.
Person: "Nunu that flute seems familiar, where'd you get that from?"
Nunu: "It's called 'Svellsongur', it was passed on to me by sensei Yossigur@pelephone.com and crafted by the almighty IDAN GUR"
Person: "I am envious, and I wish you were dead so I could have it"
by Yossi Gur September 22, 2021
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A person who likes big orange cylindrical objects shoved down their throat forcefully by an Asian.
random: "hey Idan Gur I got you some carrots"
Idan Gur: *Munching noises*
Idan Gur: *Chokes*
by Yossi Gur September 22, 2021
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