5 definitions by Yikers22

A guy who is both an incredible artist but also an incredible racer. Might or might not get denied from an art school in Vienna in the future. Regularily stays up for more than 24 hours to finish an art piece, leaving personal health concerns aside like a true chad.
Guy 1: Dude I commissioned this art piece only 48 hours ago and its already done. Megakill3 truly never sleeps.

Guy 2: Yeah that looks like a typical megakill3 drawing. Just dont post it in any public space or it might get you banned.
by Yikers22 August 27, 2021
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Another third party thing used to display cringe emotes in twitch chat to make the experience for non-extension users worse than it already is.

It will likely never be as big as BTTV or FFZ.
Twitch chatter: Hey Mr. Streamer can you enable 7tv on your channel it supports ultra wide emotes its gonna be so funny xDDDDD
Streamer: No stfu, mods ban this guy, we already have enough scuffed extensions and emotes in this chat anyway.
Another chatter: Holy based streamer.
by Yikers22 June 24, 2021
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The way you feel when you wagecuck away at your cringe 9-5 job at the trainstation while your precious Honda Prelude is stuck at the mechanic for several months and keeps breaking.
Guy 1: Fuck man I really want my car back but I am just stuck here at my job
Guy 2: I know that feel bro, its the way of Discorecord.
by Yikers22 August 4, 2021
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Russian Streamer Vadikus007's discord server.

Known to have the highest concentration of racers on the internet. A place where having fun is being punished by given two choices, a ban or removal of your post history.

The server has been trying to achieve Discord Partnership for years now, but incidents preventing this occur almost daily.
Guy A: Hey dude have you been on Vadicord lately?

Guy B: Yes I have, in fact I have even managed to get onto the imgur.

Guy A: Thats pretty based. I am still trying but I guess I dont race hard enough.
by Yikers22 June 26, 2021
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To be a russian woman and depressed. You dont see any hope of your situation improving unless you suck dick for money to move out of russia. If you use Discord, you spam pepeW in chat to garner attention, but then refuse any help given simply by stating that you cant be helped and that nobody understands you.
Asayi: pepeW im so sick of my life
Blitz: Why, whats wrong? Should I take you out on a date to make you feel better
Asayi: Blitz im gonna write your name in my death note.
Random bystander: Yikes thats a proper asayi move right there.
by Yikers22 August 4, 2021
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